- With ‘fast’ written all over it, there ll be no escaping the attention you get when you arrive at the lake with this out-and-out brushless, LiPo-fuelled speed machine. Catamarans look fast even when they re standing still and the sleek Atomic Cat 70 is no exception. Topping out at 55 km/h the Atomic Cat owes its performance to a time-honoured hull design, optimised with an 1800KV water-cooled brushless motor and 40A waterproof brushless ESC.
Supplied ARTR (Almost Ready-To-Run), the Cat comes 100% factory-assembled and features a durable ABS hull (in a choice of two colours) with eye-catching pre-applied graphics. The included 2-channel, 2.4GHz radio has fully proportional steering and throttle control leaving little to buy but a suitable, cheap-as-chips 3S 2200mAh LiPo and charger. Get one with an XT-60 connector and you ll be making heads turn within minutes of opening the box.
Overall length (mm): 700 Width (mm): 180 Speed (km/h): 55 Battery (LiPo): 3S 2200mAh - 100% factory-assembled.
- 50 km/h top speed.
- Proportional 2.4GHz steer-wheel transmitter.
- Ultra-stable anti-roll twin hull design.
- Powerful water-cooled 1800KV brushless motor.
- High-vis colour scheme.
- Sealed water resistant hatch.
- 1x Atomic Cat 70 ARTR brushless powerboat.
- 1x 2-channel, 2.4GHz steer-wheel transmitter.
- 1x Spare propeller.
- 1x Moulded display stand.
- 1x Comprehensive instruction manual.
- 1x 3S 2200mAh 30C LiPo with XT-60 connector.
- 1x 3S LiPo battery balance charger.
- 4x AA batteries for the transmitter.
With ‘fast’ written all over it, there ll be no escaping the attention you get when you arrive at the lake with this out-and-out brushless, LiPo-fuelled speed machine. Catamarans look fast even when they re standing still and the sleek Atomic Cat 70 is no exception. Topping out at 55 km/h the Atomic Cat owes its performance to a time-honoured hull design, optimised with an 1800KV water-cooled brushless motor and 40A waterproof brushless ESC.
Supplied ARTR (Almost Ready-To-Run), the Cat comes 100% factory-assembled and features a durable ABS hull (in a choice of two colours) with eye-catching pre-applied graphics. The included 2-channel, 2.4GHz radio has fully proportional steering and throttle control leaving little to buy but a suitable, cheap-as-chips 3S 2200mAh LiPo and charger. Get one with an XT-60 connector and you ll be making heads turn within minutes of opening the box.
Overall length (mm): | 700 |
Width (mm): | 180 |
Speed (km/h): | 55 |
Battery (LiPo): | 3S 2200mAh |
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